The ongoing project of understanding load and bottle necks

I’ve found bottle neck analysis to be something I can only understand in small bite sized chunks - really it’s a continuous process of peeling back layers.

This is how hot I am

Now that Chavez can accurately report the temperature (see previous blog) I needed to know what was going on when the kernel reported a temperature spike.

Two opportunities for US Social Forum Report back in NYC

The The Foundry Theatre/SOLAS Saturday, July 21st, 2007 5-9PM and the Brecht Forum: Wednesday, July 25, 7:00 pm

Upgrading assata from sarge to etch

This server is primarily a mailman server. That’s what it does and, since we’re moving the lists it is hosting to a new server, it won’t do that for much longer.

Upgrading Sarge -> Etch

After updating my /etc/apt/source.list, the first step was to upgrade the kernel image.

Upgrading to lenny

In a rather non-thinking moment, I decided to upgrade Liberace, my laptop machine, to Lenny when I really didn’t have time to recover from problems.

Useful trick for changing resolutions

I was helping a May First/People Link member with a projector presentation (my personal laptop, liberace, was drafted into service) yesterday when I realized that liberace’s screen resolution was too wide for the projector to handle.

Using Goddy SSL certificates

After some agonizing discussions, dkg and I decided to purchase a SSL certificate from Godaddy for members.

Virtual Folders in Mutt

Just found a great how to on implementing virtual mail folders in Mutt.

War & the Media: Book Party and Forum at the Brecht Forum

Support your fellow May First/People Link member the Brecht Forum this Wednesday March 28 at 7:30 pm by attending their forum about War and the Media with superstars Jeff Cohen and Robin Andersen.